
I'm Catherine, an Artist, Ancestral Healer and Ritualist.

Creativity and ancestral connection is at the heart of everything I do.

For many years I’ve worked intuitively with my ancestors and have always felt a deep connection with them through my dreams and my art. My fascination with the language of symbols has led me to develop my own practice of dreamwork and ancestral connection.

My recent training as an Ancestral Lineage Healing Practitioner with Dr Daniel Foor and Ancestral Medicine has been like finding a missing piece of the puzzle.

My own experience of the  Ancestral Healing process has had such a profound and transformational impact on my own life that I immediately pursued training in order to share this powerful healing modality with you.

What is Ancestral Healing and what to expect from your session?

Ancestral Lineage Healing is a powerful, yet gentle healing modality. It’s a beautiful step by step process where I guide you into ritual space (which is like a guided mediation) where you will firstly assess your lineages before going on to connect with your wise and vibrant ancestors. Once you have found your ancestral guide I then help you to enlist your elevated ancestors to heal the ones who have gone before who need tending.

The beauty of this work is that you’re safe and protected at all times and you’re not directly involved but more of a witness as your ancestral guide creates the space for your ancestors to be healed. You can read more about it over on my blog here >>> What is Ancestral Healing?

I’m happy to offer 3 pricing options as I aim to keep the Ancestral Healing accessible to those in financial need. The first assessment session costs slightly more and is 90 minutes while follow-up sessions are 60 minutes long. If you need a reduction beyond what is provided please reach out directly to me at: info@lucktaylorceramics.co.uk

The sessions are online via Zoom.

Generating: For those with comfortable financial means who are able to contribute more, I’m deeply appreciative of your generosity which assists in making this accessible to those who may otherwise not be able to attend.


Sustaining: This is the actual cost for me to offer this service and sustains what I do. I’m so grateful you can enrol at this rate.


Supported: An invitation to those with leaner financial means to enjoy Ancestral Healing at a reduced cost and I’m delighted you’re here.